As a jewelry brand, you’re tasked with striking a complicated balance between creating your own specific, creative designs and keeping up with the latest jewelry trends. It’s no small feat to find that sweet spot, but it’s an important exercise; to succeed in the jewelry industry, you have to carve out a niche while also appealing to modern and mainstream trends. But how can you accurately predict what styles and materials will be popular in the future? Trend forecasting is a valuable practice for any designer looking to stay on top of the latest jewelry trends. In this article, we'll explore some of the most effective tools and techniques for trend forecasting.
Tools for Trend Forecasting
There are all kinds of tools and resources available to help you predict jewelry trends. One type of resource designed for this exact purpose is fashion forecasting websites, which offer in-depth analysis of emerging trends in the fashion industry. Sites like WGSN and Fashion Snoops provide trend reports, color forecasts, and consumer insights that can be incredibly valuable to jewelry designers. Jewelry and fashion go hand in hand; fashion trends apply broadly to clothes, shoes, accessories, and even decor. Jewelry is a large part of the fashion world, and taking note of the wider fashion trends can give you insight into jewelry trends.
Another creative resource is social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest. They’re a great source of both inspiration and information; they can show you what styles and materials are gaining popularity among consumers across the board. To get even more specific insights, see what accounts your customers and followers are tuned into and research those brands; this can give you a good idea of what aesthetics your customers are gravitating toward.
Attending industry trade shows and events can be another informative way to stay on top of emerging trends. These events provide opportunities to see the latest collections from other designers and brands as well as network with colleagues and industry professionals.
Subscribing to fashion publications like Vogue and Harper's Bazaar can also keep you informed on the latest fashion trends that consumers are seeing. Sign up for their newsletters so you can get daily updates in your inbox without thinking about it. Another great way to stay in the loop about up and coming jewelry trends is to follow industry publications like JCK or National Jeweler.
Techniques for Trend Forecasting
In addition to these tools, there are several techniques that designers can use to identify emerging trends. One approach is to analyze your own customers’ behavior and preferences. By tracking sales data and asking customers for their feedback, you can get a sense of which styles and materials are resonating with your audience. Use reporting software to understand which pieces are doing well and then explore why.
Another technique is to study historical and cultural trends, as these can often influence contemporary preferences. Fashion is just like history; it tends to repeat itself. Are you noticing that vintage pearls are experiencing a resurgence? Or that people are starting to sport huge stacks of bangles on their wrists like the runway models did in 1985? Use historically popular and reemerging styles to inspire your own designs.
You can also collaborate with other designers and industry professionals to stay ahead of the curve. By sharing ideas and insights with other creatives, you can create a collective pool of knowledge that can help you all stay on top of the latest trends. It always pays off to tap into your network. Make sure you’re offering as much information as you receive — open collaboration keeps everyone innovating, which is what keeps our industry moving forward.
Applying Trend Forecasting in Jewelry Design
Once you’ve started to use these tools and techniques to understand and predict the newest jewelry trends, you can incorporate them into your designs in plenty of creative ways.
For example, if you anticipate that a deep royal blue is going to make waves in upcoming seasons, use that hue as inspiration for your pending designs now. If you tend to use gemstones in your jewelry but rarely use sapphires, that might be a good opportunity to expand into new territory. Or, if your brand tends to stick to mainly gold metal hues, but rose gold is the next big thing, include some rose gold in your next collection in addition to your trademark yellow gold pieces. The goal is to adapt your specific area of expertise and your authentic style while showing your customers that your brand is current, modern, and up-to-date.
To keep your finger on the pulse, work with a manufacturer dedicated to doing the same. At MJJ Brilliant, we’re committed to supporting brands that delight their customers. Our expert team of designers and jewelers work hard to stay at the cutting edge of the industry and in step with all the latest trends so that we can help you to create your next hit collection. Contact us today to see how MJJ Brilliant can help take your brand to the next level.